2023 Fishing Report

Our 2023 season started in mid May with good early flows on the East Outlet.

Around the third week in May we started seeing hendricksons hatching and fish hitting

on the surface. In June we received 19” of rain and all the rivers swelled to unfishable

levels for parts of the month.We moved our clients to pond fishing and the brook trout

fishing was very good especially in late afternoons and evenings. A brown drake hatch

was especially productive and a lot of big brookies came to the net. The rivers started

to drop in late June and high water brought cooler water temperatures than normal.

The fishing on the East Outlet and the Penobscot was very consistent ,especially if you

were switching tactics from nymphing to sink tip streamers to emergers and to dry flies.

In August the rivers stayed cool and almost every trip we caught a big salmon or 2 and

a lot of smaller fish. Again switching tactics was the key to success. Our camping and

fishing trips produced really good fishing and the flows were consistent throughout the

month. We had some great dry fly and emerger fishing in our evening trips.

In September and October we had lots of options with the Roach, the Moose,the EO

and the Penobscot all having plenty of water and fish getting aggressive on streamers

and emergers and nymphs.


All in all 2023 was a great season with plenty of big salmon and brook trout caught.

Call us for any of your fishing questions

Hope to see you on the river,
